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This is a browser-based event display for the CMS experiment at the LHC.

This software is part of the Quarknet project, which is published under the Fermitools License.

The 3D library was initially developed by Dean McNamee and is published under a BSD license.

Questions/comments: Tom McCauley

Reference: J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 396 (2012) 022022

Detector Model Help
Innermost part of CMS; samples trajectories of charged particles
ECAL (Electromagnetic Calorimeter)
ECAL Barrel
Central electromagnetic calorimeter; measures energy of electrons and photons
ECAL Endcap
Electromagnetic calorimeters at either end of CMS for measurements close to the beam axis
ECAL Preshower
Provides an initial (before the EM shower) measurement helping to discriminate between photons and (neutral) pions
HCAL (Hadron Calorimeter)
HCAL Barrel
Central hadronic calorimeter; measures energy of hadrons
HCAL Endcap
Hadronic calorimeters at either end of CMS for measurements close to the beam axis
HCAL Outer
Final HCAL layer just outside the solenoid magnet
HCAL Forward
Hadronic calorimeters farther down and very close to the beam axis
Drift Tubes (DT)
Main large central muon chambers outside the solenoid and HCAL Outer using ionization of gas to record muon hits
Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC)
Forward muon detectors
Resistive Place Chambers (RPC)
Solid state muon detectors
Tracking Help
Tracks (reco.)
All reconstructed particle tracks in the tracker
Clusters (Si Pixels)
Recorded events in the innermost part of the tracker
Clusters (Si Strips)
Recorded events in the tracker
Rec. Hits (Tracking)
All particle hits in the tracker
Barrel Rec. Hits
Energy in a single ECAL crystal
Endcap Rec. Hits
Hits in ECAL Endcap
Preshower Rec. Hits
Hits in ECAL Preshower
Barrel Rec. Hits
Energy in a single HCAL tile
Endcap Rec. Hits
Hits in HCAL Endcap
Forward Rec. Hits
Hits in HCAL Forward
Outer Rec. Hits
Hits in HCAL Outer
Muon Help
DT Rec. Hits
Muon hits in Drift Tubes (barrel)
DT Rec. Segments
Muon track segments in Drift Tubes (barrel)
CSC Segments
Muon track segments in Cathode Strip Chambers (forward)
RPC Rec. Hits
Muon hits in Resistive Plate Chambers (barrel)
CSC Rec. Hits
Muon hits in Cathode Strip Chambers (forward)
Physics Objects Help
Electron Tracks (GSF)
Reconstructed electron tracks in the tracker
Photons (Reco)
Inferred photon trajectories
Tracker Muons (Reco)
Reconstructed muon tracks in tracker
Stand-alone Muons (Reco)
Reconstructed muon track segments in muon chambers
Global Muons (Reco)
Reconstructed complete muon tracks
Calorimeter energy towers
Histogram "towers" to indicate energy deposits in calorimeters summed over the trajectories
Collimated groups of particles which come from strong force energy conversion to matter
Missing transverse energy