
Particle Basics




Unerstand or be able to explain the cast of particle characters we need for a CMS investigation.  Our goal is to be able to explain and give analogies to our students the basics of particle physics.


Image result for quark chartHow are these particles generated when protons collide?  We are going to use information to explain radioactive decay, nuclear synthesis in stars and the formation of the universe.

Image result for hadrons baryons and mesons


Introduce particle physics chart during the expanding universe unit to let them see it (card activity).  The goal is to let students see what particles were available in the early stages of the universe to make hydrogen and helium. Continue introduction into Sun-Star unit on how elements are made during nuclear synthesis.  Give more in depth information during radioactive decay unit using research data to find mass of Z boson.  Goal is to have students to see how scientist use data to make conclusions.


We will use data from the dielectron events around the Z boson mass to have students estimate the mass of a Z boson.  We will use transverse slice of the compact muon solenoid (CMS) dector to explain what happens when two protons collide.  The collision produces the Z Boson which decays into an electron and antielectron or two Muons (muon and antimuon)


Discussion and Conclusions

Why the evidence supports the claim:
My data plot explains the evidence for these reasons...
