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Flux Study

Definition of Cosmic ray flux:

ΦCR = (events)(time)(area)

Typical units to measure flux: number(events)s·m2

Since the area of the counter remains constant during an experiment, flux studies ask the question, "How does the rate (events/time) at which cosmic rays pass through a counter depend on a certain variable?" One can consider flux throughout the day or year to see if there are changes in the arrival rate of these particles. For example, one can see if it depends on time of day or perhaps solar activity.

Flux experiments may include several geometries of your detectors such as:

  1. Closely stacked counters that require coincidence (2, 3, or 4).
  2. Two stacks of stacked counters.
  3. Separated, stacked counters that require coincidence to look at flux from only a particular direction of the sky.
  4. Multiple counters placed in the same plane to increase detector area.
  5. Avoid using a single counter (1-fold coincidence dominated by noise).

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